NJYC Transition Team

Youth Corps - Stage Two

The New Jersey Youth Corps of Phillipsburg recognizes that while individuals may successfully complete Stage I of the Youth Corps Experience, certain completers may require additional services to ensure success in post-Corps placement. 

Upon successful completion of the regular Youth Corps program, we provide an opportunity for members to continue to build off the successes they achieved while in the Youth Corps program. Members can apply to participate on the Transition Team - which presents an option for members to continue pursuing academic goals not yet achieved and to sharpen up the employability skills learned in the previous 16 weeks.

To that end, the NJYCP proposes a structured experience that combines elements of additional academic instruction with continued work experience on Service-Learning Projects.   This will allow those individuals with a demonstrated ability to perform to Stage I standards, can continue to address problematic/persistent issues hindering development that usually require more time to accomplish.  The ‘Transition Team’ will participate in continued Youth Corps activities, but on the alternating days when those in Stage One are active.  Similar to Stage I, 34 hours per week of programming are made available, with 14 hours dedicated to Academic Instruction, and 20 hours dedicated to Service Learning activities. 

Participation Outline for Stage II -Transition Team

The duration of participation in Transition Team is 12 weeks maximum.  This post-Corps experience will be completed by the end of the 12th week or upon the securement of employment, training program or enrollment in college.

Only Corpsmembers who have completed Stage I will be eligible for consideration.  The Transition Team is not meant to be a placement that constitutes a livable wage and should not be viewed as a 'safety net’.

Transition Team members will be given a guideline/rules sheet upon acceptance to the Transition Team which clearly explains expectations of team members.  This document will also speak to the Corpsmembers Transition ISS.

Transition Team members will additionally serve as mentors to those Corpsmembers in Stage I, being paired with those individuals to provide role models, guidance, etc.

Transition Team will be monitored on a bi-weekly basis, culminating in a Friday conference where their overall progress will be discussed. They will review their Transition ISS, noting both what they did well for that specific week, and what they need to change moving forward.

Transition Team Completion –

90% of Transition Team Members will achieve placement within 12 weeks.  NJYCP will collect detailed information regarding Corpsmembers’ post-Transition Team placements, to be included in the Corpsmembers file.